Broken wrist surgery cost

A broken wrist can be the breaking of any bone in the wrist area. A mild wrist injury can be treated at home with cold compressions, rest, bandages, etc, whereas for more severe injuries, the doctor might recommend you to an orthopedic sturgeon. The cost of wrist surgery depends on many factors including the type of fracture. The average cost of a broken wrist fracture is about 6,775 dollars to 18,275 dollars in the United States. 

Factors that effects the cost of wrist surgery are:

1. Insurance: With health insurance, the typical cost of a wrist surgery falls as compared to

  uninsured patient, the fee is paid by the insurance company. It drops to about 30 percent of your total treatment cost with insurance. Without insurance, the cost before surgical procedures such as x-ray costs about 190 to 15,00 dollars, doctor’s fee can reach up to 2,000 US dollars. The overall costs without insurance are estimated at 7,000 to 10,000 dollars.

2. Location: The city or the area you live in also matters in the cost of medical procedures, depending as you live in a rural area or urban. In the regions with few medical centers charges more than in big cities with many options for hospitals.

Extra charges:

  1.   Therapy: If a patient needs therapy sessions after his surgery, it will cost 50 dollars to 70 dollars and depending on the type of physical therapy can reach up to 1,000 dollars.

  2.   Emergency surgery: The emergency treatment costs 1,000 to 2,000 dollars, the emergency doctors are more costly as the patient might need an orthopedic surgeon.

  3. Prescriptions: A treatment is usually incomplete without medicines, the doctor may prescribe painkillers, antibiotics, etc, after the surgery. Getting insurance can help cover the prices of medications if it covers up the price.

Few regions and hospitals offer special discounts for wrist surgery for cash payment or uninsured patients, helping out the finical hardship of the patients. Few institutions arranged the surgery procedure that covers the major parts of the surgery cost. The US Department of Health and Human Services HHS provides funded health centers. 

New York: Average cost is around 3,855 dollars. California: Average cost 4,765 dollars Texas: Average cost is 3,283 dollars Illinois: Average amount is 3,356 dollars Georgia: Average cost 3,036 dollars Florida: Average amount 3,335 dollarsOhio: Average amount is about 3,3486 dollars North Carolina: Average amount 3,418 dollars Michigan: Average cost is 3,549 dollars Pennsylvania: Average cost 3,803 dollars 

The average amount of wrist surgery in the US is around 6775 to 18275 dollars. Although the cost depends upon many factors such as the type of fracture, insurance or the uninsured, region you live in, emergency surgery, the prescription for post-surgery, and many more. Many people face financial hardship while going through wrist surgery, making insurance is always a great way to save money. Check for a better surgery with low prices in other areas if available. Check for the free or discount clinics in your area where special discounts are offered for patients.

How long does a wrist surgery take?

It depends on the severity of the injury, takes about 30-90 minutes for a general wrist surgery under anesthesia. The stay in the hospital might be for 2 days to a week and sometimes doctors recommended discharging the patient on the same day if the injury is not that severe.

Is wrist surgery expensive?

A wrist fracture is one of the most common injuries and the cost of a wrist surgery majorly depends on whether you have insurance or not. An average cost is around 11,800 dollars which can range from 6,755 dollars to 18,275 dollars in the US. Depending on the type of your injury can also affect the price of surgery. 

How much is a wrist surgery without insurance?

Without insurance, the overall cost of a wrist surgery is 7,000 to 11,000 dollars which includes the doctor’s fee, surgical facility fees, post-surgery medications, and medical tests fees.

Is wrist surgery painful?

The after-surgery symptoms are swelling, redness, and pain. Patients have been prescribed painkillers for the pain which might last for about two months or more depending on the severity of the injury. During the surgery, there will be no feeling of pain as the patient is put on anesthesia.