The best way to deal with the problem of the “Ecobee auxiliary heat running too long” alert is to increase the value of the threshold of auxiliary heat. You can also adjust the auxiliary heat by configuring it to time, or you can also turn on the alerts using the Thermostat of the Ecobee.

How to configure Ecobee’s threshold to decrease heat?

You can adjust the threshold for Ecobee by following these steps

• On the screen of the Thermostat, go to Main Menu > Settings > Installation Settings > Threshold

Depending upon your ecobee, the threshold to reduce the auxiliary heat will differ. It depends upon whether the threshold setting is automatic or manual.

• If the settings of configuration are set to automatic, you will get a threshold for auxiliary savings optimization

• If the settings of configuration are set to manual, you will observe more thresholds like Compressor to Aux Temperature Delta and Compressor to Aux Runtime

The settings of ecobee are set to automatic by default unless you have changed the settings to manual. Automatic settings give a simple way for heat adjustment. To change the settings, do tuning, or optimize, you have to change the settings to manual.

Settings of configuration to automatic:

If the settings of your Thermostat are set to automatic, you can decrease the heat usage by adjusting the auxiliary savings optimization. 

Settings of configuration to automatic:

If the settings are manual, you can optimize or tune the threshold values to compress auxiliary heat. Two types of thresholds will control the time of the Thermostat to give an aux heat alert.

• Compressor to Aux temperature data: It controls the degrees of difference between the current temperature and the set point

• Compressor stage 1 runtime: It reins the control of the time Ecobee rakes to give an alert regarding the aux heat

You can change these values according to your own will. If the values are higher, ecobee will wait longer before alerting auxiliary heat. Nevertheless, setting these values too high could increase the time of ecobee to reach the set point. It can cause temperature differences.

Resetting the Thermostat:

You can change everything to default if you are still getting the alerts even after changing the settings. To discard any bugs, you can reset the Thermostat. To rest the Thermostat, you have to follow these steps.

• Press Manu on the screen of the Thermostat

• Select Settings and go to Reset

• Select Reset all settings

• Approve the selection by pressing “Yes.”

• Select Reset options eaccording to your preferences,

• Wait for a few minutes, as the process may take some time to complete

Even after doing this, if you are still unable to solve the troubleshooting problems of the device, then instead of indulging in other things, call the customer support center of Ecobee. Tell them your issue, and they will resolve it.

What other adjustments can you make?

It is necessary to set the outdoor temperature for heat pump systems so that the heat pumps can operate with it. Else the heat pump of the Thermostat will lock and it can change to auxiliary heat because the external temperature will be too cold, so it will be challenging to run the heat pump.

You can do this by following these steps: Menu > Settings > installation settings > thresholds > compressor min outdoor temp. After doing this, the Thermostat is set to default 35F (1.7 C). The heat pump cannot work if the outside temperature is less than 35F. In this case, only auxiliary heat can be used

What can you do to increase the productivity of the machine?

To evade short cycling and increase the efficiency of the equipment, you can visit menu > settings > installation settings > thresholds > heat differential temp > and you can change this to a high value. This can cause a considerable temperature drop and decreases short cycling. In this way, you can increase the efficiency of the equipment

  1. What occurs if ecobee heat runs too long?

It can affect your electricity bills.

  1. Is it dangerous to run auxiliary heat?

No, it is not dangerous to run aux heat. Nevertheless, you can mount an Auxiliary heat system to avoid high electricity bills. It uses a cheap source of electricity. 

  1. For how much time should aux heat can flow out?

It depends upon the conditions, weather as well as the outside temperature.

  1. Can you lock the Ecobee Thermostat?

Yes, you can lock the Ecobee Thermostat by putting in a password.