The Great Ace Attorney was a spin-off installment of the popular Ace Attorney series, that took place during Japan’s Meiji period at the back-end of the 19th century, and followed the story of Phoenix Wright’s ancestor RyÅ«nosuke Naruhodō, alongside a new cast of characters including Sherlock Holmes. The game was released in 2015 in Japan. There are no current plans for it to be released in the West, to the dismay of many Ace Attorney fans.

When asked about the first Great Ace Attorney in a recent interview with Gamespot, longtime Ace Attorney series producer Motohide Eshiro went on record and said that “We absolutely do want to bring it to the West, but unfortunately… Certain circumstances are kind of getting in the way”. While these “certain circumstances” haven’t been very well explained, perhaps if The Great Ace Attorney 2 does well in Japan, the rest of the world may just end up getting the games yet.    

While it isn’t all that informative, you can watch the reveal trailer for The Great Ace Attorney 2 down below: