The secret to selling vinyl records locally is to find out what they are worth, and put them out for sale!. A simple procd then selling on a platform ess of identifying high-value records to sell through a music database of choice. You can have secret to selling vinyl records locally at local record stores as well, but for less profit.

Ways to sell Vinyl Records

Look up the value on Discogs and sell on an Online MarketplaceSell on CraigslistSell at a yard saleSell to local record stores

Finding out if my vinyl records have value

The highs and lows of determining the value of a collection are a wild ride. From finding records that someone thinks might be worth hundreds being worth pennies, while other vinyl records turn out to be moderate collectors’ pieces, bringing a nice payday, it’s hard to determine if a collection is worth anything. How does someone find out how much a vinyl record is worth though? We will explain in more detail below, and it’s not what you think.

A Music Database is great!

This is where the beauty of the internet continues to help improve your life. If you first go to a local record store and take the money they give you, that can be a big mistake; it turns out that a massive music database is out there that one can use to find the full value of the collection they’ve got, and that database is called Discogs!

Using the database is easy enough, though its search functions take some getting used to. It’s best to download the app on Google Play or the Apple Store, but if you’re accessing this from a desktop computer, the website itself works.

How do I sell my vinyl records locally?

The best bet for selling your vinyl records is selling locally. There are a couple of options for selling locally. The first method would be using a marketplace app such as OfferUp, Mercarí, or Whatnot. Now that you know the value of the vinyl records, you can offer a competitive price, and in a large population center, the records will fly out of your hands. Another way to get these records walking is to explore selling them on Craigslist, which through savvy internet practice one can sell rare records through the social platform.

These aren’t the only options though. The second to last choice would be to have a yard sale, if there’s a lot of clutter in the house that you need to get rid of, even better! The last choice is, if one is hard up for cash and needs to sell, most record stores will take records that are worth over $2.00, though don’t expect full value for the records you trade in, as most stores will give you anywhere between 40-60% the value in cash back.

How Much Money Can I Expect to Make?

With the average selling price for vinyl records being ~$10.00, there’s a fair chance of the collection having some value. It’s hard to make promises, a lot of factors figure into what a collection is worth. It depends on if the individual who bequeathed these beauties was an avid collector of rare, hard-to-find records. Or if they had a lot of records that everybody had when they were teenagers during their generation. If they kept a modern collection there’s guaranteed value in some recent vinyl printings, and it will be a nice payday. It’s hard to say an exact dollar amount, but if they were gifted through some happenstance, then any money is better than none.

This hopefully proved to be a quick and helpful guide on how to sell vinyl records locally! Thanks to the powerful tools available online, figuring out the best way to make the most money off a vinyl record collection turns out to be a breeze! Rather than going to a local record store and losing money to the middle man, take assets under our control and get the most value of what we have! Use the Discog app or website to first find how much the vinyl records are worth, and then use the tools at our fingertips to sell vinyl records for cash!

Where can I sell records?

Record stores are the place to be for selling your records in one easy place!. Most record stores that are local accept records. Now they won’t give you the full dollar value for the records since they need to make their money too, but it’s possible to sell vinyl records locally and easily!

How do I sell vinyl records near me easily?

The way to sell vinyl records nearby is to find a local record store in your community. Search “record store” in your map app or on Take the vinyl record collection for sale to the store, and they will check your collection and give you ~60% of the value of the collection in cash, though the rate does vary store to store.

How do I sell vinyl records near me for the most money?

Just as it is in selling anything, you have to know what you have. Knowing the value of a vinyl record collection can be easily had through searching for individual records on Discogs. If unsure how to find records or how to use Discogs, see the instructions above on how to sell vinyl records locally!

How do I find the right record to add on Discogs?

This will take careful inspection, as the way to find the records that you truly have is dependent on looking at the copyright information on the cover or inside pages of the album cover. That’s the answer though, look for the copyright information and you should see the serial number and publishing company that pressed the vinyl.