For people going through a mental breakdown or psychiatric disability, Emotional support animals can be proved to be angels in disguise. An Emotional support animal helps to ease the symptoms of an emotional or mental disability patient as such post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and others with affection and fellowship. These animals could be rabbits, cats and even dogs. An emotional support animal (ESA) is to be prescribed to a patient by a licensed medical or mental health professional. ESAs have helped so many people go through tough times and help them change their lives around. People do prefer dogs as they are fur balls who are energetic, fun-loving and outgoing, they lend a helping hand to us to get out of our situation by making us take them for a walk in the park, and all they want is for us to play with them.

People often prefer cute and small dogs as their ESAs but even big and strong build dogs could be Emotional support animals (ESA). One has to get an ESA letter from a licensed mental health doctor or a medical professional to have a pet as their emotional support animal. With the talks of choosing their ESAs, dogs like Pitbull are often cornered because of their negative and poor reputation.


Pit bulls could be emotional support animals they are square-headed and built strong, they can stand the pain and they come in all sorts and range of colours. They are seen as dangerous to the public and there are fearful misconceptions about them. To be exact and get the elephant out of the room the aggressive behaviour shown or displayed by so many dogs as seen in the news or internet is the result of their owner’s training and teachings, rather to be called the true or general nature of the breed. To look through an example of owners’ training reflecting on the nature of the breed the news that went viral on the internet stated” A MAN HAS BEEN ARRESTED FOR TRAINING HIS DOG TO THROW BRICKS AT PEOPLE WHEN THEY KNOCKED”. There are also examples of how a “PERSON`S DAD NEVER LIKED DOGS AND NOW IS INSEPARABLE FROM THERE PIT BULL DOG”.


Pit bulls arise an image of the blood-thirsty and aggressive dog who is ready to attack you the moment it lays eyes on you. Their reputation has been created like this for years because of people who used them for illegal fighting for dogs. They are victims of physical abuse and are forced to be this scary dog who spares nobody and everything for him is a target. 

To break this image which is built for several years pit bulls are on their way to breaking free of this biased notion of theirs by being therapy dogs or emotional support animals. Though pit bulls have a strong build and stubborn personality doesn’t mean they can`t be trained or be moulded as well-behaved dogs for emotional support animals. Pit bulls bred by responsible breeders are energetic and have a very sweet nature. Pit bulls are tenacious, when they put their mind to something specific, they often attain it. They are naturally friendly, active and intelligent. They excel in agility and flyball courses where they can showcase their speed and strength. 


The bully breeds are very keen to please and are very loving and loyal animals to be petted.  The pit bull has a stocky, muscular build and a short, smooth coat varying in colour. Pitbull could be trained and if they are under your control without causing damage, they could be emotional support animals. Pit bulls seek attention I mean they love people, they love to snuggle, cuddle, crawl in your lap and roll over for belly rubs and are vulnerable if left alone for a long period, they need to be taken out for walks or training. They need their fair share of exercise once or twice a day it could be walks, jogging, hikes or even flyball Activities. they will surely bring comfort solace and reassurance of companionship. They are the “FEVICOL DOGS”


To put a period to the question of “can pit bulls be emotional support animals” well, they surely can and are good at it. One should look above and beyond the misconceptions about this breed and be unprejudiced towards these creatures and see them in bright light. Pit bulls have struggled to break their image and went through too much abuse, it is high time to let them be their true self and spread their charms through their goofiness as emotional support animals.