Developed by Spiders and published by Focus Home Interactive, this title is a sci-fi action RPG that takes place in the distant future on the planet Mars. Technomancers are beings who possess electrical powers augmented by cybernetic implants and are akin to futuristic mages.

Players will take the role of a rookie Technomancer who will face a series of challenges. He’ll have to be on the run from the secret police and brave society’s oppression. The protagonist will also have to survive Mars’ environment during the War of Water. Along his quest, he’ll discover both his past and the secrets of the red planet.

As a roleplaying game, players will be able to take control of a story that can be met with diplomacy or brute force. Their interactions will also affect the relationships with comrades who could be persuaded to join the cause.

Fans of sci-fi and RPGs can look forward to The Technomancer’s release tomorrow.