In any case, if you’ve been facing this problem and just can’t figure out why it’s happening. Well, good news, on this page, we’ll be sharing with you why this is happening and guide you on how it could be fixed. So keep reading if you’re eager to know.

When you hear the generic message ‘the wireless customer is not available’ while trying to call someone, it means the receiver is currently unavailable to respond to the call or can’t be reached. Now that we know what it means, let’s take a look at why this could be happening to your call.

Why Am I Getting The Message?

Here are some reasons why you could well be receiving the intercepted message.

  1. Recipient’s Phone Could Be Off

The most obvious reason you could be getting the intercepted message is a power outage. Yes, the other person’s phone may be dead due to a lack of power. It could be because he or she forgot to charge it, dislodged the battery, or even switched it off intentionally just to take some break from the device. Also, it could be that the person pocketed the phone and it turned off without the owner’s consent.

In this case, if they haven’t set up a voicemail on their phone, you’ll unavoidably get ‘the message’ when you call their number.

  1. Poor Network Coverage

Another reason you could get the message is if the other person is in an area with a poor connection and signal black spot. 

In this case, all that can be done is wait until the receiver returns to an area with stronger network coverage.

  1. Unpaid Phone Bills

With our lives getting ever busier by the day, it’s not uncommon for us to forget important stuff like our phone bills. 

Therefore, an individual could be late on his or her payment which could very well get the line disconnected and will, unfortunately, lead to you getting the generic message.

  1. Blocked Number

It could also be that you are getting the error message because you or the other person blocked the other. In both cases, it could be accidental so don’t worry about it too much.

In any case, the one way to be certain you’ve been truly blocked is to try and send a text message to the person, which of course won’t go through.

  1. Settings and Restrictions

At times, it could be that the number you’re trying to reach has been set up not to support incoming calls. This is especially common with organization numbers. It could be set to private and used only for outgoing communication.

Anyways, regardless of what the issue could be, we’ve listed some solutions you could try to fix it.

Tips To Fixing it

In all likelihood, the first solution will work for you, if not, the rest should serve your needs. 

  1. Reach Out Via Other Means

If phone calls are not going through, then the obvious solution is to reach out to the person through other means. You could send a text message, an email, or contact the person on his or her social media handle. Also, you can call the person on platforms like Google Voice, Messenger, and so on that permit internet calls.

  1. Unblock The Number

If it’s a blocked number that’s the problem then the obvious fix would be to unblock it. Check if the person is on your block list, if he or she is, unblock the number and try contacting them again. And if it’s from their side, try calling them through another number to get them to unblock you.

  1. Reinsert Your SIM

Sometimes, it could be the SIM that’s got the problem. If that’s the case, it’ll fail to connect you to people or make calls. To resolve the issue, simply remove the SIM and reinsert it.

4  Restart The Phone

If the problem isn’t with the SIM, and it’s not from the receiver’s side, then the phone may very well be malfunctioning. This can be resolved by restarting the phone, which should fix any software bug on it.

  1. Give It Some Time

An individual could be unreachable as a result of the poor network as noted earlier. If this is the cause, then the best solution is to wait it out till the individual gets back to an area with stronger connectivity.

  1. Call Customer Care

As a last resort  (if the above options don’t work) contact the carrier’s customer service to fix the issue.


Getting the wireless customer is the not available message when trying to call someone, more at a critical moment, can be vexing. However, there are certain reasons why this could be happening, which could be a network issue, the receiver’s phone having a problem, and so on. In any case, if you do encounter this issue, use the above information to resolve it.

What Does 1 US01Lv Message Mean?

It means the wireless customer one is trying to call is unavailable or isn’t a working number.

How Do I Contact AT&T

You can via phone, or live chat for any service.