Josh Swim supposedly made a Whatsapp ground and started delivering a progression of Sovereign Njamah’s confidential recordings that were brought inside her back home. One of the clasps supposedly incorporated the entertainer cleaning up. Before the recordings advancing on the web, the ex compromised the star that he would deliver the clasps except if she reunited with him.

Since the clasps were released on the web, Sovereign Njamah has taken to virtual entertainment and let supporters know that she is fine and alive. She likewise said thanks to her fans for their help. She said:

“Love you all, I’m great. Much thanks to you, folks, for all the affection, backing, and messages and visits… I’m alive, I came out alive and I’m ready to stand up, such countless ladies are concealing under this torment, this torture, last, we move. I’m amped up for my opportunity.”

Web clients were surprised by the event. Many could hardly imagine how her ex took the measures of setting her in such a weak position. A few netizens communicated compassion towards the entertainer. Others were rankled over the circumstance and trusted that the entertainer documented a grievance against Swim for recording vengeance p*rn. A couple of remarks online read:

After the recordings were spilled, Josh Swim supposedly guaranteed that he “truly” missed her. He additionally cautioned Sovereign Njamah of not let individuals know that he was not permitted to travel. As per Instagram client @lindaikejiblogofficial, Swim said:

“I’m recently befuddled, you know. At the point when you said I was unable to travel and individuals begin letting me know that, I was simply snickering. Like genuinely? I vow to God I simply miss you. Truly, I simply miss you. That is the genuine truth, there is quite serious about that. In any case, if it’s not too much trouble, quit let individuals know that I can’t travel. Try not to do that, I beseech you, please. It is extremely off-base.”

Ruler Njamah and Josh Swim got taken part in December 2022. Nonetheless, a day in the wake of reporting something very similar on Instagram, the previous uncovered that she was being extorted to post the commitment video with dangers of her nudes being released on the web. On her business Instagram account, she likewise uncovered that she was being coerced for $450,000.

Njamah likewise shared that Swim had held onto her visa while they were remaining in a similar home, which she has now escaped. In a livestream video posted in December, Njamah said that Swim: “came into my life in affectation of needing to wed me, I didn’t realize that he had different thought processes and he came when I was truly powerless when I lost my companion, Ada Ameh. I didn’t realize he was in the middle of social event his apparatuses, his materials, which he planned to use to extort me.”

The entertainer proceeded to add that after he had secured private recordings, he started genuinely attacking her. She additionally uncovered that he used to beat her “whenever, secures me, put the keys in his pocket, in my own home.”

After Njamah uncovered her now ex, he undermined her on the web. He said: “You really don’t have any idea what’s coming. Trust me, I pledge to God you don’t have the foggiest idea what’s coming. All that I expressed to you, I think you believe it to be a joke. Be that as it may, trust me it’s anything but a joke. I know your everyday exercises. I know all that you do consistently.” Following his public danger, he continued to release the entertainer’s recordings on the web.